Ever been stumped by this question?

What do you want?

Clients and women I meet feel like this is the answer they need to have before they can live something different. Before they can start working on improving a piece (or all) of their life.

But the truth is so few people can actually answer this.

And there’s nothing wrong with you if you’re not one of them!

Psst. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. I used to think the same thing!

But experience has taught me otherwise. The sneaky question, the one you aren’t allowed to ask yourself (thank you social conditioning) - or the one you’re not allowed to do anything with - is:

How do I feel?

That’s a question I know you can answer.

Here’s something cool. When you know how you feel, you automatically know what you’d rather be feeling. It’s usually the opposite! When I feel crappy, I’d like to feel good. When I’m feeling like it’s all hard, I’d like it to feel easier. When I’m sad, I’d like to feel lighter. When I feel good, I’d like to keep feeling that way.

That’s direction. That’s the trail of breadcrumbs you get follow. My High Vibe Habits framework was designed to help you keep asking the right questions that lead you to answers. One step at a time.

You don’t need to have all the answers right now. You need to know you are the answer.

Where you are changes. Daily. Sometimes, where you are changes hourly. You don’t just want to have a plan in place. You want to have a flexible plan in place with options that all still move you towards what you want.

With practice, support, and accountability you get better at better at instinctively asking the questions and knowing what actions will move the needle. There’s a lot of wellbeing information out there, but if you don’t know which pieces work for you and for where you are in life, they can actually be harmful instead of helpful.

You don’t just want to commit to a plan. ✨The goal is to commit to YOU.✨

When you know how to manage your energy, your life will transform because you’re not squeezing more in to life. You are learning how to squeeze more OUT of your life.

Here’s two ways to reclaim your energy:

Check out my new Happy On Purpose Group Coaching Program. Doors are open to join as Founding Members!

Or, for seriously busy women looking to get serious about managing their energy, this is your high-touch, high-vibe totally tailored 1:1 coaching experience. Reply back to this email or reach out to me HERE.


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A human puddle