It only took 3 days

Tears. Stress. Frustration.

I have had an unusually tough week. It’s been a week where I felt like I couldn’t shake off a weight. It tainted everything. I noticed the difficulty, felt the struggle, and believed I was at the mercy of whatever showed up (which was a series of repeating negative events).

Tears seemed to be the primary release I could offer myself. I tried to take breaks, get more sleep, and talk to a friend. None of it helped for very long. Then I thought, maybe it’s hormones.

At the end of last week, I was done. I knew I had to do something different if I wanted to feel something different. In this moment of control, I realized that I’d let a lot of my healthy routines slide when my workload (and stress) increased.

Isn’t it funny (and annoying) how desperation is sometimes the only thing that snaps us out of our negative routine?

The next day, I went back to practicing my non-negotiables - aka my High Vibe Baseline. (If you were at my last workshop, you have a template for this in your workbook!)

I gave myself sleep, time to get through my prioritized work list, morning yoga, and resumed my healthy eating habits. I also began my day with an old mantra, claiming my intention for the day. (Read to the end and try out my mantra!)

🌈 In just three days, I’m back to feeling emotionally in control. And that always makes me more productive and less stressed.

For three days, I committed to supporting myself. That’s it. Nothing else changed. Just me. Same kids. Same work. Same life circumstances.

Yes, everyone (including the people in your life) go through ups and downs. But what changes how you experience your life is how you feel.

☀️ My kids didn’t suddenly get more respectful. And yet…our interactions felt more loving and light.

☀️ My husband didn’t suddenly become more loving. And yet…we found moments to connect in the few minutes we had.

☀️ My business calendar didn’t suddenly get easier. And yet…I was moving the needle.

☀️ My to-do list didn’t suddenly get shorter. And yet…I stopped feeling stressed about it.

I changed how I felt. And that changed everything and everyone.

Check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Do things feel smooth? Or do they feel like an uphill battle? You and I both know that the work will always be there. But how you feel is in your power. Not only is it possible to make space for what you need, you can do so without a huge time investment. When you do it consistently.

Creating a High Vibe Baseline is a core element for a productive and low-stress lifestyle. This tactic and so many others is exactly what you’ll learn in my Happy On Purpose group coaching program starting next month. Have the energy to get things done AND feel good!

The difference is like night and day. You don’t need to live in darkness or with a heavy weight on your shoulders. Living high-vibe is such a dramatically different way to experience your life. And I’m talking about the life you’re living today.

Being responsible doesn’t have to doom you to a life of burnout. There’s a way to find balance and be a task-master and a joyful human. And that’s by staying high-vibe.

Grab the details HERE and join my High Vibe Tribe!

Sending all my love and gratitude.


PS. I’m sharing my mini mantra because it’s powerful. Try it out for a few days before you judge whether it works for you. Depending on how depleted you are, these things can take longer before you feel their effects.

Here it is:

Turn your alarm off and with your eyes closed, say:

- Today is a gift.

- What am I going to do with it?

You might want to say it a couple of times as you take some deep breaths. It swells the gratitude in my heart for the sun streaming in, the warmth of my bed, the safety of my family, and sets me up to truly see what’s in my life everyday.

Asking myself this question get me curious and excited of how I can show up, do my thing, and create more love and good from my little corner of the world.


Ever been stumped by this question?