Present + Presence

Today is a gift. What will I do with it?

I say these words first thing each morning to set me up with the perspective to make good decisions.

This weekend, I found out a friend passed away and the words took on a whole new meaning. Waking up truly is a gift. Getting to perform your to-do list, be patient with your kids, cook dinner, and plan for tomorrow are all presents of being present.

Yes, there is work to do. But your life also gets to offer you the gifts of joy, happiness, health, fun, peace, and fulfillment. Harnessing the power of happy, letting yourself feel good, allows you to find a way to do the work and have the experience you want. It’s a lifestyle choice.

Gloria Steinem said:

“People now ask me if I'm passing the torch. I always explain that no, I'm keeping my torch, thank you very much. And I'm using it to light the torches of others.

Because the truth is that the old image of one person with a torch is part of the problem, not the solution. We each need a torch if we are to see where we're going.

And together, we create so much more light.”

You’ve found the recipe for success. Working hard, giving, and doing are second nature. But many of us have been taught that happiness is supposed to just show up at the end of that giving rainbow. We feel like something’s wrong with us because we have so much and still don’t feel good. We feel guilt for not enjoying the life that we’re grateful to have.

So here’s my invitation. Be impatient. Be so very impatient when it comes to your happiness. Cultivate your happiness. When you harness it, you amplify your experience which creates the energy to show up and contribute your best regularly. Happiness isn’t mysterious. fleeting, or fragile. It’s also not selfish. The High Vibe Habits are a framework for being able to create more for yourself and others consistently. When you feel good, you do good.

 Don’t wait. Let being present feel like a present. Today is a gift. You are a gift.


Harnessing Happiness


Blinded by the fight