Harnessing Happiness

Feeling good about ourselves and our lives profoundly affects our life experience.

And yet, how often do you prioritize what it takes to be happy?

How often do you save those items for “one day” or when you have time.

How often do your needs get squeezed out of your calendar for something urgent and important?

Feel good = Do good

Happiness matters.

When happiness becomes a path to success, and not just a product of it, we experience less stress and more joy positively affecting how we contribute. Stronger individuals come together to create stronger families, teams, and communities with more impactful results.

Things that contribute to your wellbeing and happiness are investments, not costs. The High Vibe Habits help you consistently prioritize your needs so you can keep showing up for others as your best.

When we choose to value our emotional state and get happy on purpose, we unlock our greatest potential. Under chronic stress conditions we diminish our capacity to connect with others, be creative and collaborative, negotiate, and empathize. Essentially stress states reflect a need to protect ourselves. We begin with “how am I feeling right now” because if we are feeling frustrated, anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed, we aren’t going to make the best decisions from this place. When we know where we stand emotionally, we know where we need to get to in order to reach our highest potential.

Want to be:

more patient with your kids or loved ones?

indispensable to your organization?

have healthy relationships?

make more money?

less stressed?

Confidence, patience, strong interpersonal skills, and active listening are just some of the benefits of high energy states (aka feeling good).

We are closer to all these desires and more when we are working from our highest potential, our high-vibe self.

Clarity is the first step. You need to be aware of how you’re feeling in this moment to know how likely you are to be making a good decision. Next up is Control. Learning how to regulate your emotions to tap into your higher cognitive functions sets you up to experience more success and fulfillment. You actually get to make time for your needs so you can reach that state. And ironically, by investing in yourself, is exactly how you’ll be able to keep showing up for others. You give more when you have more to give.

Come learn more with me!

I’ll be teaching in the beautiful Happy Mom community March 6th at 10am CST with a live Q+A to follow the How to Be Happy On Purpose workshop.

Find all the details and sign up HERE!


On Purpose


Present + Presence