Vacation trouble

It’s finally here - your vacation! And then this happens…

You’re in a sunny locale and wanting to unwind, but your thoughts refuse to make it easy. They can’t let go of something happening (or potentially happening) somewhere else…

I’ve been there and last week while I was on vacation, I felt that familiar tug trying to pull me back. Thankfully, I was able to regulate my own thoughts, enjoy my family, my trip, and come back feeling relaxed and recharged.

If you find it hard to let go when there’s someone or something back home waiting for you, you’re not alone.

Maybe it’s your to-do list, a loved one, or the work that is, or isn’t, happening while you’re gone. It’s not about the thought itself, it’s the habit you have of feeling like you need to be available to control all the things.

But needing to control is different than FEELING in control. The former makes it impossible to detach, while the latter empowers you to have guilt-free time to enjoy your life.

The truth is whether it’s being able to quietly sit on the beach during your vacation or partake in the conversation at your dinner table, your emotions and thoughts can distract you and detract from being able to enjoy the life you’ve worked hard to have.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can’t always avoid that first thought, but you get to choose the next one. 💭

By learning how to regulate your emotions, you can enjoy life’s moments without the guilt and anxiety. Hop off the roller coaster 🎢

If you’re ready to feel more in control, I’ve got an opportunity for you to explore. My next coaching circle is coming up and it offers you the chance to learn how to regulate your emotions and thoughts so you can release your stress and be the happy and healthy person you want to be.

Join the waitlist, learn more, and be the first to know when my coaching circle opens!


A human puddle


Strawberry showdown